Strategic Plan

2021-2026 Lenox Public Schools Strategic Plan
The Lenox Public Schools Strategic Planning Committee has created a successor plan to the 2015-2020 plan. While recognizing that the Lenox Public Schools have long been acknowledged as offering an outstanding education, the School Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee agree that continual improvement comes from periodic reflection on where we have been and where we would like to be heading.
The Strategic Planning Committee began work in 2019 and has concluded this phase in April of 2021. There were fourteen members of the Committee representing the School Committee, LPS faculty, parents, and the community. A survey was conducted in 2019 which formed the basis for much of the planning. Each goal area includes a narrative, a theory of action, the resulting strategy, and suggested action steps. Additionally, we expect the administration will develop success measures for each of the eight strategies articulated in this plan.
Our students’ successes are dependent upon an active and involved community. I encourage all community members to participate in the long-term improvement of our schools.
Robert H. Vaughan
School Committee Chairman